

     Episode #1: A first attempt, podcast roundup



Episode #2 – Movies, the Primacy of Cars, Public and Private Infrastructure and the perception problems of economics


Episode #3: Urban Living Edition



        Episode #4: Failure is not an option


Episode #5: Miami Basel Art (Un)Fair 



LincolnEpisode #6: Lincoln, Gun Control and what makes America Great



neonEpisode #7: Happiness is….



dumptruckEpisode #8: At the Dump with Jeff and Julia



targetEpisode #9: Django Dark 30


CarrieHottLamp  Episode #10: Chopping it up with Carrie Hott


state_magnets_western_united_states Episode #11: Getting down to the nitty gritty with Klea and Nikki




funnel Episode #12: Welcome to Crazy Town


Episode #13: All the (road) Ragebling-n-funny-teeth-back


helmet_head Episode #14: Look Ma! No helmet!
